
Why I Created Rebirth, A Regenerative Retreat Experience

Hello, frienddd!

Someone recently asked one of my assistants why I created Rebirth. Great question! I appreciate being able to give clarity for this and I believe it gives insight into what I want each person that attends Rebirth to achieve for themself.

First, for those who don't know, Rebirth :: The QE3 Retreat is a four-day regenerative retreat in the North GA Mountains at a luxurious resort lodge. It includes everything glorious & fabulous for YOU reclaiming your life, renewing your passion, rebuilding your skills and regenerating your very soul!

I have been on the journey to become a Certified Master Coach since 2014 so I can help bring about great transformations in other people's lives. It's what put me on this journey, my friend! I created this incredible regenerative experience to awaken each component of your Whole Being so you move through moments where you're either bored with life, feeling out of touch with its meaning, getting thru trauma or trying to overcome adverse circumstances.

What's a regenerative retreat?

1. Regenerative retreats (unlike other types) lean heavy into enriching personal development, in order to build:

* the most capacity for your potential promise;

* the greatest capability for your natural talents, skillsets and experiences; and,

* more fortified strength (resilience) so you triumph over the stuff that life throws at you.

2. Regenerative retreats actualize wellness within the components of your mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and Will [yes, that means, your willpower, intentions, determination, force and strength].

3. Regenerative retreats enable you to own each dynamic component of yourself as being interconnected parts of a whole that rely upon one another for the entirety of its function, health, meaning and vitality.

4. Regenerative retreats aid you in shifting from a perspective of symptoms and "what's wrong" to getting underneath recurring obstacles so you cultivate passion, meaning and a wholesome sense of your "better."

With our bespoke regenerative retreat, the mission is to unleash your brilliance! And we do this by activating the Whole Being in five distinct areas: the mental; physical; emotional; spiritual; and, the will (which, we believe, is invigorated by a healthy ego). Each workshop provided has been created to target those very specific areas. We use this approach to aid your Whole Being in arriving at Quintessence (QE), the highest best “self” which exists within you. (We fervently believe it's the very purpose for which you were created!)

Why? Well, it's simple. It is YOU who has the ability to save yourself, to bust through your own blocks, to push through the adversity in your life, to heal your own wounds, right shift your life and manifest the incredible life you desire for yourself… Our aspiration is to aid you in rediscovering your own power. So YOU manifest your own breakthrough.

I invite you to move from the sideline and take hold of bringing about the life you want for yourself.

Go to and reserve your seat today!

My friend... I cannot wait to meet you there!

In Quintessence...
Renee Signature

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