
Focus Group being developed

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QEInspire Free Yourself Focus Group now being developed!

Are you an avid self-help reader?

Do you participate well communicating often in group discussions, giving invaluable feedback? Are you quick to understand what you read, can develop an opinion and actively communicate inside a vibrant community whose goals center on perfecting a written work?

If your answers are YES, QE3 needs YOU! We are assembling a highly responsive, passionate and somewhat proactive group who desire to volunteer their time, talents and insights to improve upon manuals, coursework and other valued pieces. The outcome is improving relevant written work that is aimed at transforming hearts, breaking shackles, increasing personal power, launching hopes & dreams and magnifying the flow of love for men, women, children, elderly, families, communities, peoples and nations all over the globe.

We need you to SEE the vision and understand its full important impact.

We need you to BELIEVE in its quest and ability.

We need you to EMBRACE your part in bringing it to fruition… FULLY!

We need you to ACT (as you are called) to enable and embolden its charge… TODAY!

THIS, my friend, is no small task. Much is required and expected. If YOU are qualified, inspired and resolved to join us in this mission, please respond today. With your help, we will empower others, equip them to overcome the debilitating effects of life and THRIVE, so they achieve bliss, happiness and joy!

QE3Inspire desires to lock arms with you in this mission, yes, my friend…
because our world surely needs us now more than ever before!

In Quintessence...
Renee Signature

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