
Make The Day Count

by Renee Categories: blog 0 comments

As I was wrestling with sleep this morning (before the sun rose), I was thinking of all I wanted to accomplish on today. That familiar feeling I get because of a perceived time constraint began and a still quiet voice reminded me that there's plenty of time to do ALL I was purposed to do in the time I was given... I began to take slow, cleansing breaths and, honestly, cannot remember much after that until the sound of the doorbell woke me up at 7:30a.

Make the day count. Whatever time that has been gifted to us MUST make a difference to someone, somewhere, somehow. Whether it is a smile exchange or a friendly wave. Maybe you pay it forward at the grocery story. Or pay someone's utilities. It just may be that the person never knows it's you. Or could be someone refuses your gift... Nonetheless, give. Make a difference. Give someone's moment meaning. You never know the burden they're carrying. The tear that's waiting to be shed. Or the life on the edge of being given up because of too much pain and hurt.

Make the day count, my friend. As someone on this side, who spent a long time hurting... Make this moment count. To someone who needs some gesture of love. From you.

Let's DO this! #IfICanYouCan#TogetherWeCan 

Let me hear your thoughts on this & hous YOU will spread love & joy. 💛 Leave your comments, suggestions and hellos below. I'm on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... @QE3Inspire. Wherever you hang out! 😂 Connect with me at to receive our empowering blog, a complimentary coaching consultation, as well as a free eBook, Release Your Power NOW #gems #DidISayFREE 

#love #nolimits #dream #power #motivation #QE3Inspire #CoachRenee #ReneeHutchersonLucier #power #PushTHRU #2018goals #personalpower #corporatevision #coaching #youcandothis #mindovermatter #believe #thinkhigher #quintessence

In Quintessence...
Renee Signature

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