The beauty in this bouquet of flowers is enough to take my breath away, my friend!
Everytime I enter The Sovereign Building in Buckhead, I know there will be the grandest bouquet ever in LIFE there in the lobby to greet me. Being the flower fanatic that I am, I marvel at the expression of someone's creative genius, at how the different nuances (colors, shapes & sizes of flowers) all come together and how its incredible effect (the visual, the fragrance, etc) resonates with so many different people. Because of all of this, way before I get there, I look forward to the surprise and what will be discovered... But then, this is exactly how I feel when I see another soul out in the world, and especially when I meet somebody new. I'm utterly excited to engage with other people, to learn about them, hear about their life experiences, share in the beauty of life from their perspective! Aaaaahhh! What an aromatic fragrance!
Let's all embrace the beauty and essence found in other people. Not just in appreciating their visual artistry but the dynamic aesthetics found deep within them. How can we look upon flowers, ocean vistas & nature and be in awe and not lose our breath at the incredible glorious bouquet that exists within the person right next to us?
Let's embrace the beauty!💝🥂 #YouCanDoThis #IfICanYouCan
Let me hear your thoughts on this! 💛 Leave your comments, suggestions and hellos below. I'm on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... @QE3Inspire. Wherever you hang out! 😂 Connect with to receive our empowering blog, a complimentary coaching consultation, as well as a free eBook, Release Your Power NOW #gems #DidISayFREE
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In Quintessence...