
Today, Go Play! Love On YOU!

by Renee Categories: blog 0 comments

Ahhh so much beauty in this moment! Here I'm all smiles, finally finding peace and gratitude. Just one hour before, I had an awful attitude for being torn away from my love of writing "for a little fun." I truly thought I had no need for play with an impending deadline twelve short days away... Can you believe? 

Yeah, I get tunnel vision and drive myself pretty hard. No one ever has bigger expectations than I do. I can be awfully tough on myself by imposing deadlines, rules and outcomes that most raise their eyebrows and shake their heads at. 

I thank GOD that I have a very precious someone in my life who makes me stop what I'm doing to put aside my silly notions. No matter how stubborn I can be, he gently reaches into my heart to woo me back to existing in harmony. Where I'm more loving to myself. Where I exude joy and peace. Where I'm reminded that the gift of being present is simply enjoying the NOW that GOD so richly gives... for a period of time only HE knows. 

Maybe you drive yourself as I do. Maybe you keep your head down to provide for your family or dig yourself out of a hole. Though I truly understand, take one moment to breathe. Look at GOD's beauty all about you. How can you be sure that your next moment is promised? Stop what you're doing. Go play! Today, I give you freedom to smell the roses.

Love on YOU. Tear yourself away from your daily grind. Find peaceful surroundings. Relax. Seek your own expression of harmony. Cherish your soul. Pass the LOVE forward. 💝

#IfICanYouCan #QE3Inspire #CoachRenee#ReneeHutchersonLucier #power#PushTHRU #believe #trust #love #livelife#action #youcandothis #live#worklifebalance #synergy #harmony#balance #doyou #bebrilliant #getyours#glow

In Quintessence...
Renee Signature

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