
Painful NOT To Blossom

by Renee Categories: blog 0 comments

"And the day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anaïs Nin

I found this quote when I was searching for something that brought meaning to describe where I was at my bottom. 
I'm writing for my book again, my friend. It's about all I endured - the drama & hurt of my life, the devastation of losing everything, the excruciating pain I had to push thru and finally, at last, my decision to live - and all I learned about how I created my own circumstances. At the ugly bottom of my pit, right before deciding to push to reach the top, I realized everything Anaïs states here was so very true for me. 

But before that, I almost gave in, almost gave up my life. Not once, but twice. As much as I believed it would all KILL me, I wanted it all over quickly. My life was beyond agonizing! Looking back today, I was certainly right about the trauma coming to "kill" me. I was holding on to mindsets, behaviors, habits and tolerances that brought about my devastating circumstances. All of which needed TO DIE. Once I allowed those parts of me to completely die, the essence of the person I am today could blossom like the bud you see here. The process was lengthy for me, but the results are soooo worth it. Even close friends who were there before & during the crazy are amazed today. Once I realized operating as I was involved more pain than submitting to transformational change, it was a no-brainer. Today, I'm so very grateful for what I endured. Every single bit of it! 

What are you facing today that's painful and possibly excruciating? What are you holding on to that your future self may need you to be rid of? Let's talk about it. I hope to be a help.💝 #youcandothis #IfICanYouCan

I'd LOVE to hear from you! Let me hear your comments, suggestions and hellos below. I welcome you to connect with QE3 on LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter... @QE3Inspire. Sign up at to receive our empowering blog, a complimentary coaching consultation, as well as a free eBook, Release Your Power NOW #gems #DidISayFREE 
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In Quintessence...
Renee Signature

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