
QE3 Inspire Coaching

Not only does coaching involve a committed partnership over a stated period of time to drive improvement and higher outcomes involving personal and professional development, the acquiring of knowledge, consistent evaluating and reflecting, as well as taking very specific, customized action steps, the key ingredient is being held accountable to declared goals and detailed measures of performance mutually agreed-upon prior to embarking on the journey. It is a process that has a present day and future focus, rather than one of the past. This new text

Although there are many approaches to effective coaching, we at QE3 feel a coach is never an expert, but one who provides perspective, as well as tools with which to aid others in learning, increasing their awareness and achieving their end goals. Success, we feel, is not found external to the individuals we coach; the answers instead much be unlocked from within.

It must be clarified that QE3 coaches are not counselors, teachers, therapists and, while providing coaching services, are neither mentors. Instead of asking what or why in working with coaching clients, we instead challenge each with the question of how. Because the biggest obstacles to achievement are often internal, we strive to identify, catalyze shifts mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually and help strengthen individual competencies, thereby enabling instincts or the subconscious to operate without hindrance. We aim, by mutual agreement, to help the individual resolve their own challenges in the present day, to co-create an acceptable plan for the future self, to have the individual submit the whole being into the complete process of and be guided thru transformational change and to foster the individual in improving their own performance by pointing the way to the means to expand their skills and raise their competence. This is quite different from approaches to counsel or mentor.

Every QE3 coach is a member of the International Coaching Federation (ICF), has obtained specific coaching certifications, must participate in more than 250 hours of yearly education, training and supervised coaching sessions, has undergone behavioral and psychological assessments to better understand himself and develop his own coaching style, has satisfied appropriate onboarding requirements and strictly follows the ICF code of ethics.

Each QE3 coaching engagement will produce the following outcomes:

  1. Perform a thorough discovery of needs, motivations, passions, inspirations, skills and thought processes for the client
  2. Deliver the appropriate behavioral assessment that identifies, measures and develops client soft skills; identifies client strengths and skills in need of development to attain client goals; allows coaching expertise to bridge critical client skills gaps and provides objective evaluation of client soft skills, strengths and skills
  3. Conduct client interviews to better understand history of all challenges, circumstances, pressures, frustrations, fears, etc in detail in an effort to get underneath thoughts, self-talk, actions, behaviors, circumstances, nagging obstacles and more (in addition to successes and impacts)
  4. Lead client in an exhaustive understanding of growth opportunities (deemed negative, especially), explore previous and potential thoughts, behaviors, self-talk, actions, as well as all possible solutions that are acceptable
  5. Understand favorable and adverse impacts for each actual and potential action, as well as actual and potential solution
  6. Collaborate in setting goals with agreed-upon success metrics
  7. Discuss necessary actions to meet goals, as well as anticipated challenges and the potential strategies to overcome them and ensure success
  8. Continually ask questions to uncover and address reservations, fears, potential roadblocks, etc. Monitor body language and discuss when appropriate. Utilize higher listen skills to better understand the client, question what is unsaid and integrate what is needed to aid in overcoming obstacles
  9. Make client aware of tools, techniques, training, etc to inspire transformational change and improvement
  10. Provide client accountability thru motivating, guiding and imparting needed action to guide commitment towards development, growth and the achievement of changed behavior and performance
  11. Adopt a supportive and completely unbiased view of client that expresses positive encouragement and reinforcement
  12. Ensure client achieves desired development throughout the process
  13. Constantly assess the process, tools, methods, techniques, training utilized to be sure of progress and goal attainment
  14. Communicate with the client immediately should the coaching relationship encroach boundaries of an unhealthy association and take appropriate action
  15. Ensure thru appropriate management of coaching relationship that client receives stated, agreed-upon level of service and achieves stated, agreed-upon goals within designated, agreed-upon timeframe.

QE3Inspire provides all areas of Coaching services, such as:

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