
QE3 Inspire Workshops


Thru this engaging high impact event, QE3 Inspire entices connection, action, motivation and transformation while providing an incredible soulful experience through your mind, body, spirit & emotions. We invite those ready to push thru difficulties, to have more impact in their lives, to see fresh ways of resolving life challenges, to become inspired & motivated and to experience life-changing transformational change!

The  QE3 I AM Creation Affirmation Workshop is designed to allow the weight associated with ALL that no longer serves your BECOMING to catch flame and be cast away. Each part of your essence will be carefully pruned within this experience so that it is prepared to regenerate and enable further growth. Create a heightened existence thru acute awareness and specific, determined action! This half-day intensive transformational workshop not only challenges unhealthy thoughts, actions, behaviors, feelings & self-talk but also fosters healthier options and outcomes that support the dynamic you of your BECOMING and encourage beyond the edge living (where true champions thrive).

Understand the power of the I AM. OWN its transformational power by personalizing the I AM thru your right now in this moment. Release its life-giving energy into your mental thoughts, physicality, emotions, spirituality and habitual being so that it rocks your very soul. Allow the fuel of I AM to combine with the work of the ego and the emotions to completely align you, such that the essence of your being is enabled, empowered and significantly magnified... Into your BECOMING!  Beyond the scope of this workshop, accept your GOD-given assignment to perform affirmation rituals daily, commit daily ACTION and be ye transformed!

Your QE3 Workshop ticket includes:

"No matter where you stand right now, no matter what shows itself in your life, the power to break thru and achieve QUINTESSENCE lies within your own grasp."          ~ Renee Hutcherson Lucier, CMC

*This workshop includes pre-course work that must be completed to receive its full impact. All workshop materials will be provided prior to class start date and must be brought to class, along with pre-course work..

Browse Calendar Below for events

(Days in bold are event dates)

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