
QUINTESSENCE (QE): The Measure Of Achievement
Arrived At After Enduring A Deliberate
And Laborious Process To Bring About Excellence

Our blog features content that pulls you into acute awareness of your FULL self ~ mind, body, spirit, emotions and soul. We place tools within your hands and guide you in using them to drive the processes needed to see new possibilities, increase your expectations, create powerful action, generate desired change, accept more from yourself than ever before and manifest higher outcomes. Yes, there is a whole plethora of goodness to choose from here… for absolutely quintessential living!

Are YOU Fulfilling Your Number One Responsibility?

On THIS particular Monday, I have to ask you... What's your number one responsibility today? First, let me say that I hope you had a phenomenal Easter celebration, for those of you who celebrate. And if you did celebrate, I…

Self-Love with the Whole Being Approach Is NOT A Practice. It's Absolutely The ONLY Way To Do Life

** My friend, I'm going Live with a Q&A on Saturday, JULY 30th from noon until 2p and will give away a fabulous prize! Won't you join me? ** When you look at an arm, my friend, you know it's…

Five Attributes I’ve Discovered That Align With True Personal Independence

in·de·pend·ent /ˌindəˈpendənt/ adjectivefree from outside control; not depending on another's authority or influence unconventional; maverick; liberated  I am well aware of our country’s annual revelry centered around celebrating an underdog, if you will, standing up to a giant…

Yeah, It's A Pandemic... But What Can I Choose, Seek and Do?

Well, my friend… It’s Saturday, March 14, 2020. We’ve had weeks of predominant rain and overcast skies filled with clouds, but today in Atlanta, Georgia, it’s absolutely beautiful, with a brilliant winter sun and mild pre-spring temperatures. Finally moving about…

Get Up, Get Out, Get Going!

Get Up, Get Out, Get Going!Obstacle:    /ˈäbstək(ə)l/    An obstacle is a challenge, object, person, action, emotion, mindset, addiction, physical ailment, experience or situation that hinders the progress of achieving your goals. It can prevent you from becoming the person you were created…

The Excitement I Have For A Beautiful Bouquet Is Just Like ...

The beauty in this bouquet of flowers is enough to take my breath away, my friend!  Everytime I enter The Sovereign Building in Buckhead, I know there will be the grandest bouquet ever in LIFE there in the lobby to…

Find Your Way Back to LOVE

May I share with you today from my heart, my friend? FIND YOUR WAY BACK TO LOVE.Do all it takes to make your way back. Since your beautiful spirit was created to dwell in unabashed, unadulerated, glorious LOVE... find your way…

Link Arms: Engage In Mentoring & Grab A Sponsor To Achieve Success

Who are you linking arms with in the pursuit of realizing your dreams, my friend?  Believe it or not, success is more than becoming an expert at your craft. There's so much more involved! Beyond the WHAT of what you…

Make The Day Count

As I was wrestling with sleep this morning (before the sun rose), I was thinking of all I wanted to accomplish on today. That familiar feeling I get because of a perceived time constraint began and a still quiet voice…

Thru Years of Heartache, My Soul Was Being Fashioned

Thru years of tremendous heartache, my friend, my soul was being fashioned to seek LOVE in its purest, most sincere form. And it's truly beautiful!😍 I learned to accept LOVE, to free it from all restrictions and limitations and to…

Do You Have The Qualities of an Ant?

Do you see this ant, my friend? WHAT?! How do you carry anything 20 times your body weight for great distances... in your mouth?! It takes purpose, drive, focus, tenacity and sheer will! Are YOU like this ant?  Purpose: You…

You're A Beautiful Work In Progress... TODAY

You are a beautiful work in progress, my friend. All of us who seek to perfect ourselves to become better than ever tomorrow have to deal with who we are today. It's so easy to look today and be less…

Nature Is Calling You

Nature is calling you... How will you answer today?  I answer with an resounding YES! I'm in awe of the beauty found all around & within ME! Nature is a feast for ALL of my senses - my eyes, ears,…

Painful NOT To Blossom

"And the day came when the risk to remain in a tight bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” – Anaïs NinI found this quote when I was searching for something that brought meaning to describe…

Create Your Reality

Make sure you set your thoughts HIGHER, my friend!  GOD has blessed us with an exciting, incredible journey that we call life! Every single moment HE gives us infinite opportunities for us to CREATE our reality in powerful ways. They…

Stand UP for Your Transformation, My Friend

Stand UP for your transformation, my friend.  Many times in the more than 10 excruciating years of my life I wanted to shirk. What a minute? I DID shirk! I didn't just sit down, I laid out completely, believing myself…

Why Are You Pursuing Happiness?

Your pursuit of happiness is a wasted effort, my friend. How can you pursue something that is a state of BEING?  Many people spend more than half their lives searching for some thing that'll give them happiness. As children, we…

Today, Go Play! Love On YOU!

Ahhh so much beauty in this moment! Here I'm all smiles, finally finding peace and gratitude. Just one hour before, I had an awful attitude for being torn away from my love of writing "for a little fun." I truly…

The Heartaches That Come...

May I give you some sugah love today, my friend?  Stop fighting the stuff that blows your way in life.Embrace it, in fact, lean in and accept whatever comes. KNOW you're on the right path. Trust what you believe. Look for the lesson.…

The World Is Waiting On ...YOU

Happy Monday, my friend!  It matters NOT who's doing what, why or when. EVER. Bring your best A game, pull out every resource, reveal your highest level of expertise, show up with extra quantities than what's required and give like…

The Power & Promise Is ALREADY Within You

What's keeping you inside your tunnel of unfortunate circumstances is ACTION & BELIEF, my friend? 😘  I had a devastating downward spiral when my husband left, leaving me to pick up the pieces of my fragmented life to raise our…

Keep Dreaming Fearlessly

Life is a beautiful, exciting amaaaaazing journey! Oh yes, it is, my friend! And ALL of its fruit is within your realm. Did you hear me?  ALL OF THE BEAUTY, WONDER, POWER AND RICHES AVAILABLE THRU CREATION ARE WITHIN YOUR…

Your Struggle Is There To Teach You

Find a way, my friend, to enthusiastically accept whatever comes in life! In fact, welcome it all with open arms. I'm talking, the good and the ugly. Appreciate that with ALL things there's a benefit and a drawback, as well…

Are You On Target for 2018?

Uh oh! 2018 is almost over! How will you arrive at accomplishing your goals?  For most of us, it's not IF ~we will find a way to get it done, trust me! The question, for most of us, is HOW...…

Always Choose LOVE Over Fear

Hey, good morning, my friends. Please remember that no matter what, it is truly good.I woke up tired in Chicago this morning. Not because I was on fire writing my book all night. Not because I found incredible fun out…

Life Under Construction

UNDER CONSTRUCTION: A Life In TransitionTiffiny & I got a little silly before my workout today. It helps me to work out the willies during my times of crazy. Do you get those? Willies? Just a burst of frustration that…

Vibrating At The Frequency of Gratefulness

To equip you for rough times (which, possibly may come), how do you release the dynamic essence of gratitude each day?Today, there is so much available to us. Here in America, more than half of us have easy access to what…

I See You! I Ran Too... From My Hurt, Pain, Failure, Anxiety, Fear. STOP RUNNING.

Through this journey of life, we often come up against very hurtful circumstances, painful relationships, devastating failures, traumatic life events, etc. Occasionally the pain we experience, or anticipate, is totally unbearable, blocks our view of finding meaning thru our encounters…

BE The Mirror Of What You Hope To Seed

After a lifelong effort that, on my own, looks a lot like a slump, I now wholeheartedly believe in being guided into the thing I’m pursuing. It righteously perpetuates my passions! If you can imagine, I use this approach involving…

Because Your Psyche Has Heard You and Knows You're A Lightweight... Stand Up To It Today! *Five Resolutions To Release Your POWER*

While out running Sunday, I kept hearing a mother ahead of me yelling out to her preschool son, "Alec, come back! ...Alec, you're getting too far ahead! ...Alright, Alec, I know you hear me! ...That's it Alec, we're gonna have…

Are YOU Walking in Your Own Shadow? Get out of your way... CELEBRATE YOU! #IfICanYouCan

Release your gifts! Have your own party of ONE today! Celebrate the accomplishments you make every single day! You are perfecting your very special gifts & talents in each moment. THAT is to be applauded, my friend. 💓 Are you…

C'mon, MOVE Beyond Your Circumstances. Here's How! #IfICanYouCan

Let's MOVE today! Thru the difficulties, depression and seeming impossible circumstances of your life. I know it can be hard. When I went thru ten unrelenting years enduring obstacle after obstacle in EVERY facet of my life, I used these…

Seasonal BE's For ALL of Us: Ways to Show LOVE Over the Holiday Season & Always

The holiday season (and all times of the year) bring challenging emotions because of LIFE! Not everyone is in a festive, celebratory state of being. We should all be aware of this and monitor our own responses so we can…

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